Purpose of the Mod:
Cricket broadcast provided on this website is intended for educational and entertainment purposes only.
It allows users to save time and cost.
Third-Party Content:
We do not claim ownership of the original broadcasters or any of its assets. The platform includes the iframes provided by the third-party developers which made changes. We are not affiliated with anyone.
Legal Considerations:
While we strive to comply with copyright laws, we cannot guarantee that our mod will not infringe upon any rights. Users are responsible for their own actions when using the mod.
Fair Use:
We believe our mod falls under the principles of “fair use” as it is transformative and non-commercial.
However, this is not legal advice, and users should consult legal professionals if they have concerns.
No Warranty:
The touch cric tv is provided “as is” without any warranties or guarantees. We do not guarantee its functionality, safety, or compatibility with all devices.
User Responsibility:
Users download and use the mod at their own risk. We are not liable for any damages, losses, or legal consequences resulting from its use.
DMCA Notices:
If you believe our mod infringes upon your rights, please contact us promptly. We will respond to valid DMCA notices and take appropriate action.
Contact Information:
For any inquiries or concerns, please reach out to us via the provided contact details.
Remember that using mods may violate the terms of service of the original game, and it’s essential to respect intellectual property rights. Users should exercise caution and make informed decisions.